SQL tutorial, PL SQL Tutorial, SQL Injection Tutorial

SQL Tutorial
SQL is a programming language designed database for retrieval and management of data in relational database. SQL means Structured Query Language.

This tutorial will give you fast with SQL beginning.

This reference has been prepared for beginners to help them understand basic to advanced concepts related to languages SQL.

Before you start doing practice with various examples given in this reference, I am making an assumption that you already know about what the database, especially RDBMS and what a programming language.

Compile / Run SQL programs
If you are ready to compile and run programs with SQLite SQL DBMS but you do not have the same settings, then do not worry. The compileonline.com dedciated is available in high-end server that gives real programming experience in a comfort single execution click.Yes! It is free and online.

1 - Quick Reference Guide to SQL
A quick reference guide SQL for SQL programmers.

Quick Reference Guide to SQL

2 - Useful functions embedded SQL
A full list of important SQL functions.

Useful functions embedded SQL

3 - SQL Helpful Resources
A collection of sites SQL, books and articles is given on this page.

Useful Resources SQL

4 - Adjust the system database
Few points for the database administrator to tune the performance database.

Setting the database system

5 - SQL Tutorial in PDF
Download a quick tutorial of SQL in PDF format.

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PL / SQL Tutorial
PL / SQL is a combination of SQL with the characteristics of programming languages procedure. It was developed by Oracle Corporation in the early 90s to improve the capabilities of SQL.

PL / SQL is one of three key programming languages embedded in the Oracle database, along with the SQL own Java.

This tutorial will give you a great understanding of PL / SQL to proceed with the Oracle RDBMS data and other advanced concepts.

This tutorial is designed for software professionals, who are ready to learn PL / SQL Programming Language in simple and easy steps. This tutorial gives you a great understanding of programming concepts PL / SQL, and after completing this tutorial, you will be in intermediate level of knowledge from which you can take yourself to a higher level of expertise.

Before continuing with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of software basics like what is the database, source code, text editor and program implementation, etc. If you already have knowledge of SQL and other programming language, then it will be an added advantage to proceed.

1 - PL / SQL Quick Reference Guide
A quick reference guide for PL / SQL programmers.

PL SQL Reference Guide / Quick

Useful Resources PL / SQL - 2
A collection of sites Programming PL / SQL, books and articles is given on this page.

Useful Resources PL / SQL

3 - PL / SQL Tutorial in PDF
Download a PL / SQL Tutorial in PDF format.

PL / SQL Tutorial in PDF

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SQL Injection Tutorial for Beginners

Although there are thousands of potential attempts to exploit improperly designed websites, SQL injection is by far one of the most effective attacks, easier, and far-reaching. SQL injection attacks are reported daily as more and more websites are based on data-driven designs to create dynamic content for readers. These dynamic designs use MySQL or other database system which is probably based on SQL; making them vulnerable to attack.

Since a SQL injection attack works directly with databases, you should have a basic understanding of SQL before starting. SQL database for beginners is an excellent resource for those unfamiliar with Structured Query Language.

In this article, you will learn how to perform a SQL injection attack on a website. Note that this article is only for instructional purposes. If you do not meet success of a website that does not belong to you, you are in violation of federal law and could face imprisonment and fines. That said, it is useful to understand how SQL injection so that you can prevent it from happening in your own website works.

What is SQL injection?

SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability in the database layer of an application. This vulnerability can be found when user input incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements.

Although SQL Injection is most commonly used to attack websites, but also can be used to attack any SQL database. Last year, a security company reported that the average web application is attacked at least four times a month for SQL injection techniques. Online retailers are more attacks than any other industry with an online presence.

Choose a destination

The first step to perform SQL injection attack is to find a vulnerable website. This will probably be the most time consuming process throughout the attack. More and more web sites are protecting themselves from SQL injection means finding a vulnerable target could be time consuming.

One of the easiest ways to find vulnerable sites known as Google Dorking. In this context, an idiot is a specific search query to find web sites that meet the parameters of the advanced query you enter. Examples of idiots that you can use to find vulnerable sites to a SQL injection attack include:

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