When Your Friend Send You Friend request on Facebook And You Cannot Reject the Request What to Do at That Time

If you meet any person at one place everyday and one day if  he sends you a friend request on Facebook. What do we do? If You have exchanged a few conversations with him and it seems like he is nice person but still you don’t know him enough to approve that request.

How to deal with these unwanted friend requests on Facebook coming from office colleagues or old classmates who really are not a friends.

When you will get friend request from someone you don't wish to be friends with them, you can either reject the request/ ignore it and the request will appear as pending in their timeline. when you have no option but to approve that request, you can click “Confirm” to add that person but you can put them in Restricted list.

If you put in the Restricted list, they will be listed as your friend on Facebook but they will only see your photos and other posts that are public. They can only see stuff that your public followers can see except that they are friends with you.

To put any one in the Restricted List, go to their Facebook profile, choose the “Add to List” option from the Friends drop-down and select Restricted. so they will only see your public stuff in their Facebook.

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