How We have to Find How Many "Eggs" are Following you on Twitter

When you have joined in Twitter, it will set your profile picture as a colored egg but to take you seriously for people, you can replace that egg with your face. This is the first rule in Twitter book but some users are not paying attention.They are too lazy to change the avatar, if they want to stay anonymous or they are bots and fake users created by spammers who “sell” Twitter followers.

If I set out to count the number of eggs that follow me on Twitter the results are surprising. Out of the 53k users who follow, around 15% of the followers have eggs as their avatars. Most of these “egg” profiles have never tweeted, their Twitter bio is empty and they have single digit followers. All of these profiles are boosting your “follower” count but not actually reading your tweets.

How to Find and Remove your Egg Followers from Twitter

If you want to know how many eggs follow you on Twitter, The Google Script will help. It will read your Twitter followers and if any of them have eggs as a profile picture, it will log an entry into a Google Spreadsheet. Here we have some steps to get start:

1. Copy the Google Script in your Google Drive. If you are getting an error that “there are currently too many people viewing this file” try the mirror.

2. Replace any mail with your own email address with your own Twitter.

3. Go to Run menu and choose Step 1 to Authorize. The script will ask for certain permissions at the authorization prompt and you need to choose Accept.

4. Again Open the Run menu and choose Step 2 to Run and initialize the script.

Now You can close the window of Google Script. The script that is running in the background will send you an email once it has extracted all the eggs from your Twitter account. This is an open-source Google script that uses the Twitter API to get your followers.

How the script finds the egg profiles is Wondering? It does not do any magic image matching, it merely looks at the URL of the Twitter avatar there is the word “default” in the URL, it means the underlying image is that of an egg. Simple.

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