How to Record the Screen-cast Videos of Youtube on Android 

The Android screencast on YouTube. The video gives you the steps necessary to install an Android app from the Google Play store on your mobile.

The screen of Android was 720p (1280×720) with resolution, there are no visible frame-drops in the video and the screencast output is in MPEG-4 format that can directly uploaded to the YouTube or edited in any video editing app, on your phone and the desktop.

Screen-casting on Android Step by Step

If we want to record screencast videos of your Android phone, You do not need to install any app or if we want to root the device. The not-so-good news is that you can capture the screen-casts on phones that are running on Android 4.4/ later. The screen-casts will not have any audio.

Step 1: First Prepare the Android Device for Screen-casting

Open the settings on Android phone and go to About Phone,which is the last option in the list. Next tap the Build Number seven times in quick succession you will see a message saying that Developer Options have been enabled in your device.

To return the Settings page Use the “back” button, tap Developer Options and toggle the on-off switch. Turn on USB Debugging and enable the Show Input Touches the on-screen interactions like taps and swipes will be recorded as circles in the screencast.

Step 2: Prepare Windows or Mac in your computer

Install the Android SDK on desktop. This step is simple. You have to download the SDK in a zip file from the android.com website and unzip the file on your computer.

For both Mac and Windows the Android SDK is available.

Step 3: Connect the Android phone to the desktop

Connect your Android phone to the computer though the regular micro USB cable. The phone will display a prompt asking you to “Allow USB debugging.” To  continue this Tap OK.

Open the command prompt in Windows, or the Terminal shell on your Mac, and switch to the sdk/platform-tools directory inside the Android SDK folder.

Run the command adb devices and if it shows a device under the “List of devices attached”, and Set to record the first movie of your Android screen.

Step 4: Record the Video of Screen cast

Run the follow command to enter the recording mode. Advanced  users can refer the help of manual to learn about the various options supported by screen record.

adb shell screen-record --verbose ./sdcard/screencast-video.mp4

For Mac, the command line code should be written as:

./adb shell screen-record --verbose ./sdcard/screencast-recording.mp4

Switch to your phone now and what ever you do here will get recorded in the video. When you done with this, go to the command window and press Ctrl + C to stop the video recording. The screencast will saved into the Android phone.

We can also use the app File manager, I prefer File Wrangler, to search for the screencast-video.mp4 file on the phone and transfer it to your desktop for editing.

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