How to Find the Date of Web Page When it Was First Published on the Internet

There are three dates that are associated with any “public” web page available on the Internet:

1. Publication date : The publication date is when an article/ web page is firstly uploaded on public website where humans and search engines can find and access that page.

2. The indexed date : The indexed date is when search engine spiders discover a web page on the Internet. It has given the fact that the Google has become good at crawling fresh content, the date of first-crawl is often the same as the actual publication date.

3. The cache date : The cache date is when a web page was crawled last by the Google bot. The Search engines will often re-crawl web pages every few days/ weeks, sometimes multiple times in a day for news website, to check if the content has changed.

How to Find the Publishing Date of Web Pages

In case of news articles, the publishing date of the web page is included but in some situations where the date is not mentioned, We can use simple Google hack to know when a web page/ web domain was published last on the Internet.

Step 1 : In this step go to the google.com and copy-paste the full URL of any web page in the search box with the inurl: operator for example : inurl:www.example.com.then click on enter.

Step 2 : In this step go to the browser address bar in Firefox & Chrome/ Alt+D in Internet Explorer and then copy-paste the “&as_qdr=y15” at the end of the Google search URL. Then  again Press enter.

Step 3 : This is the final step in this Google will load the search results again but at this time, you will see the actual publication date of the web page next to the title in the Google search results as in the above screenshot.

How old the web page is?

The moment when the Google crawl the page it is published on the Internet, the indexed date will appear on the search results is often accurate. However, if the content of a web page will be changed after the first Google crawl, actually the publishing date may represent the date when it was most recently edited and not the date when it was first indexed/ published.

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